Relay Delivery

UX Redesign for a restaurant delivery service


I worked with a team of 4 UX designers to redesign Relay’s website. Relay is a NYC based company that connects restaurants with bike couriers as a cost effective way to outsource their delivery services.

Timeline : 4 weeks
Roles: Scrum Master, UX Researcher, UX Designer
Methods: User Interviews, Affinity Mapping, Journey Mapping, Wireframing, Usability Testing, User Flows, Prototyping
Tools: Figma, Miro
Team: 4 UX Designers, Relay’s Development & Customer Support Team
Type of Project: Client Project for Relay Delivery

Understanding Current Users

who: 6 current users - all people in the restaurant industry

how: 20-30 minute interviews done through phone & zoom interview.

sample questions:
What is your daily routine?

How is working during peak hours?

What are the pros and cons of using Relay’s delivery service?

Why do delivery?

User Quotes

“We always have customers that type in the wrong address.”

“Trying to resolve issues with Relay is a huge process.”

“I could really use a direct line of communication with the couriers to fix things like wrong orders.”

Infographic 2.png

Synthesizing User Data

After interviewing the current users the data was synthesized through affinity mapping. By synthesizing the data we are able to see the common issues that current users were facing.

Current Users’ Issues

  • I want an easier way to communicate with Relay’s customer support.

  • I want to be able to contact my couriers when problems arise.

  • I want to communicate with Relay and customers during peak hours regarding delivery issues.

  • I want to prioritize my orders so there is no delay.

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User Journey Map

We created a journey map with our persona Gary using the scenario: Gary is starting a weekday lunch shift, and wants it to go smoothly

See full Journey Map


  • Understand high and low points of user’s experience with Relay

  • Find out when these low points are happening

  • Find opportunities to improve user’s experience

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How might we help Gary manage the delivery service efficiently by improving site usability and streamlining communication with Relay?

see full problem statement

Usability Testing:
Current Site

Usability Testing on the current site revealed several usability issues on the workflow and the order details pages. Here are the main takeaways:

Workflow Page:

  • Column label names need to be changed

  • Users need to be able to contact relay regarding individual orders on this page

Order Details

  • Users need feedback to confirm that the order has been marked ready

  • Hierarchy and appearance of contact relay button (Send a message about this order) needs to be changed

See full usability test report

Usability Testing Current.png

a Solution

Goals for Design Studio

Tech Issues:

  • Drag function - Backup options for when drag malfunctions

Customer Service:

  • Users need to edit addresses/ wrong orders- Make contacting Relay more accessible.

  • users waiting to long for a response from Relay- Streamline communication process

Design Studio
with Relay

In collaboration with the staff from Relay we conducted 2 rounds of Design Studio with the goal of designing solutions for the usability issues on the current site. We designed and voted to take the following features to the low-fi prototype.

New Features:

Ready button on the order card (alternative to dragging)

  • Contact Relay Button on Workflow &  Menu pages

  • Pop-Up confirmation when orders are ready for pickup

design studio relay 1 1.png
Unit 5 lowfi.png


Unit 5 mid-fi.png
Mid-fi Revisions 2.png
Unit 5 highfi.png

High-fi Prototype



I am very happy with my experience. I put in maybe 3 hours of work, mostly just talking to the designers, and they came back with great and valuable research, actionable items, and sensible redesigns.
— Andrew Craft, Relay

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